Professionals sign up, each month more than 500,000 customers are waiting for you!

Who is France wholesaler?

If we had to present francegrossiste, in a few words, we could ideally summarize it with a short slogan: "Good deals all year round"!

In short, no need to wait for sales to buy at the best prices.

But let's go back a bit with a little background on this ingenious platform.

The concept was created in 2006 by enthusiasts and specialists in the commercial sector.


Their goal ?

Propose to reference professionals from different sectors of the wholesale market on a single site, to the attention of professionals (shops, markets, fairs ...) in search of traffic of goods or supplies, but also, new, propose (for many of them) to individuals, to access many products individually, or in bulk for bulk purchases, and at unbeatable price.

Initially, the platform was created from a small circle of contacts in the wholesale sector, but over time, new professionals, from any country, will gradually join francegrossiste, because they have understood the opportunity to be included in this platform that has become unavoidable and which currently has more than 500,000 visitors per month!

At the time of its creation, the financial crisis is at its premise, but its rapid spread across the world will propel our dynamics "visionary" at the top of the poster.

Because of course more and more people are turning to suppliers of products on sale, private sales or "outlet" items that can offer prices up to -80%!

Quickly spotted in 2010 by a young American company, the leaders of Francegrossiste are offered the resumption of their site to give it more resources, to bring it an international stature. The company retains the creators in its team that today has many collaborators worldwide, France, Spain, Germany, Morocco, India, China, United States. . . Attracting professionals and individuals from these same countries, but also from Canada, Dom / Tom, French Guiana, Haiti, Dominican Republic, New Caledonia, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Poland, Tunisia, Algeria, Mali, Benin, Madagascar, Israel, Dubai, Japan, Polynesia. . .

Because all want to take advantage of the many benefits of this concept that offers to benefit everyone "direct" products knowing, of course, that prices are even more interesting for professionals.

A real earthquake in a very closed environment, even secret!

With its installation across the Atlantic, the site will propose and develop a new commercial tool from the United States and still little known in the rest of the world: Dropshipping.

A method that consists of selling articles, without having them in stock, through the supplier who will directly deliver the customer on behalf of the seller. The benefits are multiple for the seller: no goods to store so no cash advance, no costs of premises, no handling. A real revolution!

dropshipping pro

Opportunities for drop-shipping items are quite limited in the early days. Only a few professionals in lingerie and high-tech can boast to offer this mode of sale. But to satisfy a maximum of customers, it was necessary to propose a very broad pallet of products. . .

It's done today, since FranceGrossiste offers many suppliers in dropshipping in different sectors such as:

Fashion Accessories, Adults, Animals, Jewelry, Destocking, Party Supplies, Smoking Items, Clothing, High-Tech / Electronics, Computers, Toys & Games, Lingerie, Home (accessories and linen), Furniture, Fragrances, Nursery, Hardware Store / DIY, Vehicles, as well as many of the Generalist sites in Dropshipping which offer in addition to the categories inventoried above Sport, Gardening, Decoration, Gifts, Gadgets, Shoes, Cosmetics, Wedding universe,

/plateforme grossistes

. . . As for the Platform itself, it has no less than 92 different categories of "traditional" suppliers and wholesalers. You will find in addition to the categories mentioned above: Chocolate and Candy, Agriculture, Lots and Pallets of Goods, Music, Heating / Clim / Renewable Energies, Travel, Private Sales, Reconditioned Products, Import / Export, Materials and Apparel Pro and Communities, Creative Crafts, Telephony, Luggage, Food, Organic products, Cosmetics ...

As you can see, all sectors of activity are concerned.

By registering your site on this Platform, you will get a real presence on the Internet, because your company will be referenced in a complete database, quality and really professional, because only the companies registered with the Register of Commerce can appear there.
With over 500,000 "targeted" visitors per month, you will generate an audience and qualified traffic to your site. This new means of communication will certainly allow your company to reach a new clientele and will allow you to access new markets.

Who can register?

All Professionals they are: Wholesalers, Suppliers, Destockers, Discounters
but also Designers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Producers, Artisans, Creators. . .

. . . Provided they have a showcase or merchant site.

création de site e-commerce en dropshipping

Indeed, at the moment where sales on the Internet are only increasing, it is essential for all sales professionals to have an e-commerce site.

To offer its products for sale on "Market Place" such as Redoute, Amazon, Fnac, C Discount, Price Minister or E Bay, an online store is not only mandatory, but what is more, it will increase your sales!

It is also the only way for "physical" stores that want to fight against the inevitable invasion of the Internet, to bring a non-negligible income supplement to their activity. The biggest ones such as Decathlon, La Halle, Boulanger, Maxi Toys. . . Have understood and anticipated for several years already.

With an online opening 7days / 7 and 24/24, only an e-commerce site can bring you such a great potential of customers. . . From all over the world!

For professionals who have not yet taken the digital step, France wholesaler offers an e-commerce site creation service in various forms according to your needs and / or your means.


The company is working with one of the best European software to offer an e-commerce solution that is suitable for both beginners and "experts" for quality shops.

With more than 400 features and a hundred high-end and responsive designs, every professional will be sure to find the store configuration that best fits their expectations.

Joining the platform is your guarantee of being one of the best in the profession, but also thanks to the important flow of visits, you will see the traffic of your site increase strongly, while making sure you a targeted and quality audience.


Your future customers are here, they are waiting for you!




Can I register as an individual?

No registration is reserved only for professional wholesalers, manufacturers, suppliers, destockers.

How long does it take to validate my registration?

In general the validation of your company takes 24 hours according to the influx of new registrants.

What kind of advertising are you going to do about my company?

Your company will be positioned in the category chosen during registration, in the directory Namely that we have more than 500,000 targeted visitors per month.We send weekly more than 600,000 emails to our customers regarding new products.Every month we create a special page about new registered wholesalers, which allows to our future customers to get in direct contact with the wholesaler.To finish your company (e-commerce site) benefits from optimized SEO thanks to the high number of customers, who visit thousands of pages monthly on

Can I change the information after my registration?

Yes at any time you will be able to modify all the information concerning your company.


At your service since 2005
Visitors per month 500.000
Satisfied customers 98%
Wholesaler categories 97
Weekly Newsletter 600.000
European concept leader 100%

More than 5 million page views per month

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